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Career Resources


Intentional interviewing is a dialogue. The interviewer wants to find out if you are qualified, whether you would enjoy working there, and whether they like you. You also want to know what your goals are as an interviewee and what questions you are trying to answer.

About Interviewing

Before the Interview:

Prepare, prepare, prepare

  1. Do your research
  2. Create an agenda
  3. Prepare questions
  4. Plan logistics
  5. Practice
During the Interview:
  • Turn off your cell phone
  • Listen well
  • Answer the questions, keeping your agenda in mind
  • “Tell the truth, and make it sound great.” -Josh Adland
  • Keep your sense of humor
After the Interview:
  1. Reflect on the experience.
  2. Send thoughtful, individual thank you notes within 48 hours.
  3. Follow up with your references. Let them know what you learned about the position, how excited you are, and the ways in which you believe you could contribute to the department, based on what you learned in the interview.
  4. Call the departmental contact to follow up at the appropriate time, based on stated next steps. You’re not pestering; you’re being professional.
  5. Persevere, persevere, persevere!

Workshop Materials

Interviewing Tips from MSHE Alumni – February 2018 Workshop

Additional Resources

Create an Intentional Interviewing Agenda (DOC)

Northwestern Career Advancement – Resources on Interviewing

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) Interviewing Posts

Vault Resources – Preparing for the Interview

The Muse – How to Knock your Interview out of the Park

Questions about organizational culture: 12 Questions to Ask at Your Next Job Interview

How to Answer the “What is your weakness?” question.

Other workshops
