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Policies and Procedures

Student Status

Policies related to matriculated vs non-matriculated students, full-time vs part-time students, academic progress and completion, inactive status, and withdrawing from or re-entry into the MSHE program.

Matriculated vs. Non-Matriculated

Students are accepted into the program with the status of either “matriculated” or “non-matriculated” based on the application they completed. Non-matriculated (in other words, non-degree) students are not yet candidates for the master’s degree but can take up to four classes in the MSHE program before they must apply to matriculate or cease taking courses.

In terms of student experience, no distinction is made between matriculated and non-matriculated students. The difference lies in the choice of classes: non-matriculated students may take up to four MSHE core or elective courses, excluding the research sequence (MSHE 406,407,and 408) and the internship course (MSHE 485). All classes that non-matriculated students successfully complete are applied toward the full degree requirements if and when the student matriculates.

Non-matriculated students may also take advantage of career preparation services and other events offered to MSHE students.

Non-matriculated students must meet with the Director of the MSHE program, Dr. Lois Trautvetter, before submitting their application to matriculate. More details about applying to matriculate are available on this site on the “Information for Non-Matriculated Students” page.

Full-Time vs. Part-Time

Students may attend the Higher Education Administration and Policy Program either part-time or full-time. Part-time attendance means that the student is taking one or two courses each quarter. Full-time attendance means the student is taking three or four courses each quarter. Students may change their enrollment from part-time to full-time (or vice versa) from one quarter to the next.

Full-time students may have different access to some services than part-time students. One example is that full-time students have free access to Northwestern’s Sports and Aquatic Center, while part-time students must pay to use the facilities.

It is important to note that full-time status (or eligibility for certain services) may be determined differently for different entities. One example is that the Health Services Office requires medical records for students who are enrolled full-time or half-time (2 courses per quarter) but not for students enrolled in only one class per term. Eligibility for federal student loans is based on half-time enrollment (2 courses per quarter).

Academic Progress and Program Completion

The amount of time it takes for a student to complete the master’s degree depends upon how many courses the student takes and passes in each quarter. The minimum amount of time to complete the program is four academic quarters. Students must complete the master’s degree within five years of matriculating. Students who have not completed the program requirements within the five year time span must meet with the program Director to discuss options.

Inactive Status

Students who are not enrolled in any courses in a quarter other than summer are considered inactive. Inactive students can still attend program events and will be on the student listserv. A student who is inactive for four consecutive quarters (not including summer) will be withdrawn from the program. Once a student is withdrawn they are no longer considered a student in the program and will be removed from the departmental listserv.

Withdrawing from the MSHE Program

If you no longer wish to continue as a student in the MSHE program please contact the MSHE office. We will assist you in filling out a paper form to terminate your status as a student in the program. Please note that this process is the same for matriculated and non-matriculated students.

Re-Entry for Withdrawn Students

Students who have been withdrawn can re-enter the program within five years of the date they matriculated. To re-enter the student must submit the Petition to Re-Enter form and a $25 fee to the MSHE program office.

If it has been more than five years since the date that the student matriculated they may have to re-apply for admission to the program.


If you have questions about any of the information contained on this page, please contact ([ms-highered@northwestern.edu])(mailto:ms-highered@northwestern.edu).

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