Academic Resources
Higher Education Data
Data is important for many projects in the Higher Ed program including the Master's project sequence. This page has some publically available data sets that might be useful as a student in the MSHE program.
Surveys and Data Sets
Publicly Available Post-Secondary Data
More Publicly Available College and University Data - Dataset Summary
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
NSSE annually collects information at hundreds of four-year colleges and universities about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.
Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Provides information on student engagement, a key indicator of learning and quality of community colleges.
National Center for Education Statistics
Primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. Includes both secondary and post-secondary surveys and statistics.
2014 Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac
The Chronicle takes the measure of higher education in the 2014-15 Almanac, their annual compendium of data on colleges. Please note that you need to be on Northwestern’s wireless network or connected to VPN to access this resource. There is also an iPad version available for download. Survey Instruments Used at Northwestern
These are the survey questions for some of the surveys that NU administers, to help determine if existing data already exists and what types of questions to ask.
Surveys Administered at Northwestern
Provides a list of surveys administered to students by the Student Survey Planning Group.
Northwestern University Institutional Research - Blank Survey Instruments
These are the survey questions for some of the surveys that NU administers. This should help you determine whether there may be some existing data that could assist in answering your research question.
Data Available from Northwestern Institutional Research - Powerpoint by Lisa Metzger-Mugg, 2014
Sexual Violence on Campus InformationIn July 2014 Senator Claire McCaskill released findings from her office’s national survey of colleges and universities regarding policies and practices related to sexual violence prevention and response. Read the full report here:
In March of 2014 the White House published, a website dedicated to providing resources for survivors of sexual assault, specifically on college campuses. Read the data on school-by-school enforcement here: